Friday, December 28, 2007

Exposing Tribal Corruption by Pechanga

We are looking for current information on Larry Miranda, Pechanga Tribal Member who was fired from the Pechanga Resort and Casino. Some news sources are looking to do a story.

If you are FBI, we need to find out who is the contact person for his case. Please contact us at the site.

Miranda is the son of former tribal spokesperson Jennie Miranda, one of the conspirators who wanted to remove families from Pechanga's membership rolls. She was the puppetmaster of her mother, who was on the disenrollment committee. The mother, Ruth Masiel, slept through most of our presentation, yet still was able to make a decision.

Will Larry Miranda be disenrolled from the tribe for theft? Or will he still collect his $32, 500 per month?

Vote NO on Prop. 94

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