Friday, December 28, 2007

Comments against Prop. 94-97 and expanded gaming

Some interesting comments on the California Progress report article

Exposing Tribal Corruption by Pechanga

We are looking for current information on Larry Miranda, Pechanga Tribal Member who was fired from the Pechanga Resort and Casino. Some news sources are looking to do a story.

If you are FBI, we need to find out who is the contact person for his case. Please contact us at the site.

Miranda is the son of former tribal spokesperson Jennie Miranda, one of the conspirators who wanted to remove families from Pechanga's membership rolls. She was the puppetmaster of her mother, who was on the disenrollment committee. The mother, Ruth Masiel, slept through most of our presentation, yet still was able to make a decision.

Will Larry Miranda be disenrolled from the tribe for theft? Or will he still collect his $32, 500 per month?

Vote NO on Prop. 94

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Original Pechanga: Why Tribes will Win

Original Pechanga has a post of why the tribes will win on expanded gaming in CA. He says the opposition to expanded gaming is weak and unorganized. Take a look at the No On Unfair deals website. They've had 5 blogs in a month! Pechanga is running 5 commercials a day. The "no" sites aren't even fighting the tribe's unfounded claims.

The disenrolled people are scattered an many are disenterested.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

After Christmas Shopping

There are sales and bargains out there. How much does a politician cost near the end of the year. How much are tribes giving this holiday season?

What does it cost for the Governator?

We must stay vigilant and keep the focus on the pols....

Saturday, December 22, 2007

No Unfair Gambling Deals: No on Prop. 94, 95,96,97

This website is against the gaming expansion. This is one of the weakest sites around. Look at the blog and it has something like FOUR blogs in a month. HOW can it hope to pick up momentum.
It's plagued by generalities and doesn't seem to have any real conviction. WHERE are the union members who want representation? Why aren't their THOUSANDS of comments from them on the site? Why haven't the so-called "those against unfair gaming compacts" written to voice their opinions.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another View of NO on expanded gaming

Steve at Menifee 24/7 has his breakdown of why he's not voting yes on expanded gaming. Take a look

Schwarzenegger Incompetence

Original Pechanga has a blog up on the Governator's mishandling of our state budget.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pit River Membership issues parallels Pechanga


Thank you for covering the Pit River Tribe Membership Meeting in your newspaper. Please allow me to clarify one point: Those who came to the Membership meeting that are being 'challenged' on Tribal enrollment, did not vote. The votes were only from legal registered voters from within the Tribe.
The 'Silent No More' group is quickly growing and opposes this current Tribal Council that is controlled by one family and their supporters. It has turned into a Council that operates for its own benefit, not the benefit of Tribal Members. Council meetings are called several days a week and Council Members get paid for each meeting so this has become the main income source of several people at the expense of the Tribe. People were recently asked or ordered to sign a loyalty oath, one of the first steps a dictator uses to maintain absolute power. Any Member questioning this group is disenrolled, or threatened with disenrollment.
This current struggle has many parallels to the Pechanga Band which has been in many headlines recently as a corrupt Tribal Council attempts to whittle down the number of Tribal Members to increase their per capita which sometimes runs as high as $20,000 per month. What I find almost incomprehensible in the case of the Pit River Tribe is that we have very few assets. Our per capita runs in the hundreds of dollars per year. This struggle is over power and an attempt to divert Tribal assets into favored families and hang onto what has become a full time income source.
Democracy is new to the Tribe. In the old days, a leader who got too greedy or steered the Tribe on a path that was detrimental, was simply shunned and we followed someone else. The BIA and local governments insist on recognizing only the formal entity which is the Tribal Council, although the BIA is finally beginning to recognize this Council is not representative of the Membership. So we must change this Council in a formal way according to our constitution. That is why two Membership meetings have now voted to seat our duly elected Chairperson and Secretary and make other changes, all of which have been ignored by the current Council.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Prop. 94 Will Teach Pechanga A Lesson

That lesson should be: If you don't treat your people with respect and if you don't follow the rule of law (YOUR OWN LAW) you won't get 5500 MORE slot machines.

We will give them to your competitors and leave you on the outside looking in.

We will say, $380,000 is all your are going to get. We are not going to allow you to take your per capita up to $700,000 and have you say, "we don't need to do the right thing"

NO on Prop. 94 No to $700,000 for Concerned Pechanga People

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Does California Really Need More Casinos?

The LA TIMES asks the question. But the answer is YES. But we don't need to give them to the big 4 tribes. There are tribes that have been waiting for their approval for their casinos, poor tribes that can really use the money that casinos will generate.

Pechanga is giving their members $32,500 now that they have terminated 300 people in an act of cultural genocide. Without bonuses, that comes to over $385,000 per year. Wonderful, but should they be given more machines to get them to $700,000 per year, when there are THOUSANDS of Native Americans are making nothing? I think not.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pechanga Disenrollments = Elder Abuse?

I believe it's a question that needs to be addressed. Pechanga has eliminated from the tribe over 55 Elders of the tribe. Some are now up to 90 years old, being born during WW1.
The young of the CPP/Splinter Group laughed at them and told them to "get a job".
Meanwhile, Pechanga cuts of the health care of seniors, and without healthcare what are they supposed to do? Go back on the government?
One of our family helped build the health clinic and now he can't go there.
These are the types of stories that aren't being told.
Pechanga should be publicly shamed.

Video on Pechanga's Corrupt Action of Disenrollment

Details the story of Lawrence and Sophie Madariaga, elders of the Hunter clan. Abused by Pechanga.
Please watch and tell your friends.

Expert Contradicts Pechanga Disenrollment

Dr. John Johnson, stands by his Pechanga-paid-for study on the Ancestry of Paulina Hunter

The Disenrollment Committee PAID him and didn't use his findings because it didn't fit their plan.

It's like saying "your guy got 90% of the vote, be he's still not getting elected."

Pechanga Puts Slot Expansion on Hold

Good thinking. Even though the Feds have approved expansion, the voters of California have NOT. Pechanga knows that they have done enough sneaking around the voters backs and they may not have survived another attempt.

KNBC may be producing another story on Pechanga violating civil rights and elder abuse in eliminating them from their health coverage.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

CA Government in Corrupt Bed with Pechanga

OP has the word at:

There are lots of articles about Don Perata, head of the Senate in CA that is still under investigation.
Does anybody worry about Civil Rights anymore?