Saturday, March 6, 2010

Original Pechanga's Blog: Pechanga Denies Basic Human Rights to Many Tribal Members, the Story#links#links#links#links

OP and team lays out the violations of human rights and basic civil rights at his blog

Original Pechanga's Blog: Pechanga Denies Basic Human Rights to Many Tribal Members, the Story#links#links#links#links

Read the comments for more.

About the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians

The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians, which hijacked the Temecula Band of Luiseno Indian's federal recognition, is well known for terminating Indians from their rightful place in the tribe. Since the advent of casino gaming Pechanga's disenrollment of 230 adults from the tribe is second only to the Picayune Rancheria in the termination of Native Americans in CA. That's not the company a tribe should want to be associated with.

Pechanga violates the basic human and civil rights of their rightful members.

Running a large casino is one thing, RUINING your fellow citizens is another.